How To Build A Website

How To Build A Website

Learn How To Build A Very Profitable Website

Building websites is an extremely profitable, highly paid skill that’s much easier to learn than most people think. You can learn to build basic websites in as little as two weeks and more advanced websites in just over a month.

How can you learn to build websites quickly? And how can you get paid from home for this skill? Read on.

How To Build A Website

=> Getting The Skills To Build Websites

To start with, you’ll need a basic education in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). This is the language that human beings write websites in for computers to decode. A website is built up of HTML code that web browsers decode into usable web pages.

Learning HTML is quite simple and can be learned in about a week. Here at Lurnprofit we can provide you with a lot of the most advanced, up to date,high quality, easy to understand, training lessons on the internet so you can easily build, setup, and grow your very own profitable online business empire.

In addition to HTML, you’ll also need to learn a little bit of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). You don’t have to learn CSS right away. With just HTML, you’ll already be able to build some basic web pages.

In addition to learning HTML, you’ll also need to have a website builder. Two popular options are Adobe Dreamweaver and XSitePro. Dreamweaver tends to be used by design professionals, while XSitePro is a first-class alternative for people on a lower budget.

Once you’ve learned HTML, try just building a few simple websites for yourself or for friends. Learn how to buy a domain and set up web hosting on those domains. Play around with the HTML code and Google anything you don’t know how to do. Or you could reach out to to get full access to all the training lessons you could ever need.

In addition to the technical aspects of web building, it also helps to learn a little bit about design and usability. It’s great to know how to build a website, but what does a good website actually look like? Learn to use concepts like white space and line matching to make websites look great.

Once you’ve learned the basics of creating websites and the basics of what good websites look like, then you might want to try your hands at a few paid gigs.

=> Getting Paid to Build Websites

Seasoned web designers usually get paid several thousand dollars to build one website. When you’re just getting started however, aim to get paid just $100 to $300 for your first few sites.

Perhaps you’ll find your gigs through friends. Or, you can post ads or respond to ads on sites like Craigslist, Elance,, SitePoint or Digital Point. Another really great place to post your work is on Fiverr. Fiverr is a platform where you can post all of your freelances services.

There are many places online to find potential clients and many places offline where you can meet people who might want a website. The most important thing is that you start small, and charge a small amount of money in the beginning just to build out your profile.

Once you have at least five to ten showcase websites that you can show potential clients, you can start raising your prices. Over time, you’ll develop a loyal following of clients and past clients who’ll continually send you work and referrals.

Learning  How To Build A Website isn’t the complex technical process a lot of people think it is. All you really need is to go get access to the training lessons here at Lurnprofit, go through all the step by step lessons and start playing around with building your own websites. The first couple tries will likely look quite plain, which is perfectly okay. In just a month or two of practice, you’ll be able to create some very high-quality websites. You may even shock yourself.

Another great very profitable option you will have is to start your very own online business with your website. You could set your new website up for selling either your products, or someone elses products, or services. Affiliate marketing is another great way to make an income on the internet. Here at Lurnprofit we also provide some great training on affiliate marketing, and how you can turn it into a full time business. I will drop a link below so you can get full access to the affiliate marketing training course.

OK so that’s my take on How To Build A Website , and how you can even start making an income building websites for others.

To your great success on your online business journey, Bob@Lurnprofit

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How To Build A Website

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