Internet Affiliate Marketing

Internet Affiliate Marketing

How To Internet Affiliate Marketing ?

The Tips You MUST Know

Internet affiliate marketing can be very profitable, if done correctly. Most beginners look upon the super affiliates in awe. The super affiliates making 5 and 6 figure sums seem to be in another league and it’s as if they are walking on imported air. The beginner who is just starting out may feel intimidated.

How will I even catch up with them? They must be way smarter than me? They’re earning 5 figures a month and I can barely earn 5 cents!

The dream is to be like them… but reality is telling you that you never will. So what do you do?

The first thing you do is to stop comparing yourself to them. If you’re busier worrying about them, you’re not focusing on you… and right now you need to work on you.

Every super affiliate was once a beginner who probably didn’t know a domain from a donut. They worked long and hard to build the skill sets and strategies required to take them to the level they are at. This is a learning process.

Your first goal will be to learn all that you can… but your learning must be focused. This is a pitfall to most beginners. They try to be a Jack of all trades and end up a master of none.

Since you want to do Internet Affiliate Marketing, you’ll need to know how to source for products, pick a profitable niche, set up a landing page, build a list, build a relationship with that list, drive traffic, etc.

There are many skills to learn and you must focus on these. These are the skills you need. Do not suddenly run off and try to learn how to sell on eBay or decide to write books for Kindle. These are unrelated to what you’re trying to do as an Internet Affiliate Marketing .

These will sidetrack you. Time is limited and you must focus on one art. One of the best ones to choose is Internet Affiliate Marketing… and yes, it is an art. A very profitable one too.

A rough guide of the process looks like this.

• Learn to pick a profitable niche. This will make or break you
• Do keyword research and find the best keywords that you can compete for
• Target the long tail keywords
• Set up a website with a landing page to capture email addresses
• Drive traffic to your landing page with a few traffic generation methods
• Build a sales funnel so that after opting in, the subscriber is taken to an offer
• Have a sequence of emails to offer value, build trust and promote offers

This is the process simplified. It may look simple… but it is not easy!

Almost every affiliate started off with this model and made tweaks along the way to boost their profits. As long as you follow this model, you won’t go wrong.

The devil is in the details. Only by testing and making adjustments to your process will you discover what works… and once you know what works, it’s just a matter of replicating and scaling the process.

This will take time, but with time, your profits will snowball and your commissions will start to hit the 4 figure and 5 figure marks. Keep persisting in your efforts and you will hit the 6 figure mark too.

It may seem like there is a lot to learn… and there is. You need to take things one step at a time. If you need to learn how to pick a niche, spend enough time learning how to pick a niche so that you’re an expert at it.

Every step has to be executed successfully for your campaign to yield success. One slip up in the process can sabotage most efforts. So, you will need to learn each step in detail

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How do you learn what you need to learn?

Simple… Google and YouTube are your best friends. If you need to learn about niche research, Google search “niche research tutorials” and do the same thing in YouTube. 1 week of assiduous study will make you an expert on the topic.

You can also purchase a guide that’s about niche research. When it comes to purchasing info products in the Internet Affiliate Marketing niche, it is best to find topic specific products rather than untested theory about making money.

For example, a guide on niche research only, is topic specific. This is good.

A guide that shows you how to make $1,674 in 10 minutes is rubbish. The niche research mentioned will be an afterthought and will not be covered in-depth. Therefore, make your purchasing decisions wisely.

This method of learning should be applied to every step until you are very knowledgeable about the process. What do you do next?

You take ACTION! This is key. All the theory in the world will not help you if you do not take action. Too many beginners try to stuff their heads with too much theory till they suffer from information overload. Paralysis by analysis soon follows.

Avoid this at all costs. Once you have learnt all you need to learn about niche research, go out there and find 1 or 2 niches that you would like to get into. Put your knowledge to use.

Then move on to the next step… and take action… and so on and so forth. This is the surest path to success.

Another tip… Do NOT bite off more than you can chew. Choosing 1 to 3 profitable niches is ok. Choosing 50 is pointless and you’re overdoing it. The same applies to affiliate products and programs. Do not choose so many that you lose count of what you are promoting.

Focus your effort on a basket of products. Maybe 4 to 7 products in the beginning. Stick to one or 2 affiliate networks. Do your best with these and you will have more time to devote to each product. Do not spread yourself too thin. It may seem like you’re doing a lot. In reality, you will actually be slowing down your progress because you will not be giving your best for each product.

Learn to drive traffic from forums, videos, articles ,etc. Focus on the free methods when you are starting out. Traffic generation should be done on a daily basis. The efforts will accumulate over time and the traffic will build up.

Try and master one or two highly effective ways of driving traffic and scale it up till you are able to make commissions from the traffic. Do NOT get into paid traffic if you can’t get the hang of free traffic.

Free traffic to your landing page will give you an idea about how well your page and products convert. This information is priceless and will help you when you do start using paid traffic.

Monitor your stats, traffic, sales, commissions, time spent working, etc. There is a value on your time. Never forget that. Initially, you will be working for free. However, with time, you must be able to earn enough to justify you slaving away in front of the computer daily.

If you follow all the steps mentioned in this article, you will be way ahead of the majority of other affiliate marketers who are struggling. This is a business. Always remember that. It is not a lucky draw or sweepstakes. This takes effort, money and time. As long as you remember that, you will do well.

To your great Internet Affiliate Marketing business success, Bob @ Lurnprofit

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